This list is provided for the information of Australian travellers and those needing translation assistance in China. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has prepared this list from information publicly available regarding translation services in Shanghai. By providing this information, DFAT is not endorsing any of the translation organisations named in the list or making any representation as to their willingness, ability to carry out translation work, or the fees they might charge. DFAT does not accept any responsibility for the quality of work performed by any translation organisations on this list.
Shanghai 上海
Hanbridge Education 上海汉桥文化传播有限公司
Addresss: Room 301 No.3 Dong Hai Plaza 1486 Nanjing West Road 上海静安区南京西路1486号东海广场3号楼301-309室
Contact: +86 21 6255 8883
Shanghai SISU Translation Service Co. 上海上外翻译总公司
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: 573 Chifeng Rd, Hongkou Dist 上海市虹口区赤峰路573号
Contact: +86 21 6536 2031/ 6536 2032
President Translation Service Group International (PTSGI) 统一数位翻译
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: Room 901, No.2, Lane 3088 Gong He Xin Road, Zhabei District 上海市闸北区共和新路3088弄2号901室
Contact: +86 21 6481 1919 M: +86 139 1658 4366 Fax: +86 21 6481 0955 onlinequotesa@PTSGI.COM
Chinese Localization Center 上海一知堂翻译有限公司
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: Room 2314, East Building (Jia He Guo Ji), 16 Huayuan Rd 上海市虹口足球场花园路16号, 嘉和国际大厦东楼23层2314室
Contact: +86 21 5696 0711 Fax: +86 21 5696 0711
Shanghai Zhigao Translate 上海志高翻译有限公司
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: Room 1003, Building 1 Wan Da Guang Chang, No.255 Lane 658 Guang Fu Lin Road 上海市松江区广富林路658弄255号万达广场1号楼1003室
Contact: +86 21 5109 3304
Shanghai Oriental Translation Center Co. Ltd 上海东方翻译中心有限公司
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: Room 203, 2F Eastern Shanghai Mansion, No.3 Lane345, Shilong Rd,Shanghai 上海石龙路345弄3号东上海影视大楼2楼203室
Contact: +86 21 6090 1721/6090 1722 Fax: +86 21 6090 9561
Oland Corporation 上海奥蓝翻译有限公司
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: 8H, Cross Region Plaza, No.899 Lingling Road, Shanghai 上海市零陵路899号飞洲国际广场8H
Contact: +86 21 5459 0605 M: +86 180 6795 2193 Fax: +86 21 6192 7281
Shanghai Hefu Translation Service Co., LTD. 上海合富翻译服务有限公司
Speciality: CAATI
Addresss: Room 2206, No.6 Hui Yang Building, Lane 1139 Pudong Da Dao, Pudong District 上海市浦东新区浦东大道1139弄惠扬大厦6号2206室
Contact: +86 21 5836 2008/ 158 0068 4577 M: +86 134 7288 7155 Fax: 400 870 2556 * 808
Shanghai Nova Translation 上海新泽翻译
Addresss: Room 302, No.361 Julu Road, Jing'an District 静安区巨鹿路361号302室
Contact: +86 21 5228 0593 M: +86 1381 7119 593
Shanghai Interpreters' Association 上海外事翻译工作者协会
Addresss: Room 1607, 1277 West Beijing Rd, Jing'an District 上海市静安区北京西路1277号1607室
Contact: +86 21 6321 8568/ 6323 9910/ 6289 8328 Fax: +86 21 6323 9181
Waterstone Translations 水石翻译
Addresss: 25F , Wheelock Square , 1717 West Nanjing Road 上海市静安区南京西路1717号会德丰广场25层
Contact: +86 187 2198 4735 M: +86 135 2489 7258
HI-COM (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd) 嗨酷(上海)商务咨询有限公司
Add: Room 406, Building 1 - Huizhi Creative Park, 288 Yuyao Road 上海市余姚路288号汇智创意园1号楼406室
Contact: + 86 135 8598 5237